Ready to Learn
Written by Dr. Karen Boese

Early years teachers and parents will find this book a natural way to bridge theory and practice in their daily lives. Ready to Learn: Self-Regulation in the Kindergarten Classroom is filled with examples of activities developed in classrooms and backed by research. There are countless photographs throughout, and directions for the activities are clear but also allow for readers to put their own spin on the activities. The book is a rich resource of ideas bound to increase children's ability to self-regulate and to learn. Difficult concepts are made clear and accessible, and illustrated with real-world examples.
Click below to listen to and download the self-regulation audio examples described on page 6.
$32.00 cdn | $25.00 us
8 x 10 pb, 169 pages
education & reference/early childhood/pre-school & Kindergarten
isbn 978-1-989321-03-4
Publication: August 2020