“As a species, we are most animated when our days and nights on Earth are touched by the natural world.”
Calling all nature enthusiasts! Join us for the 7th Annual Land Art BioBlitz. This FREE family-friendly event aims to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the natural world.
Choose from virtual workshops on June 3, curated classroom units which contain curriculum activities for virtual and in-person learning, land art and outdoor activities that invite you to get creative and explore the outdoors, or log species observations using iNaturalist. Or register for a workshop during Family Day at Wintergreen Studios on June 19. However you choose to participate, we hope that you will learn more about the species that live alongside us and be inspired to protect them.
Family Day @ Wintergreen: June 19
Join us for a family friendly onsite event on June 19. The day will be packed with workshops on topics ranging from forest therapy to beekeeping to renewable energy tours. Pre-registration for this FREE rain or shine event is required to ensure COVID-19 safety compliance. Each workshop will be limited to 9 participants (+ the leader) to comply with the 10-person outdoor gathering restriction that we expect will be in place on June 19. If there are changes to the provincial regulations that affect this event, we will contact you.
Virtual Workshops: June 3
Each session will be approximately 1 hour. Click the title or ‘+’ beside the time for a description of the session and video links. Click the Zoom link to join the live session at the start time and enter the corresponding passcode.
You may also use your phone to call in and listen to the session. Click here for the dial-in numbers. Enter the corresponding webinar ID to join.
10:00 AM EST Citizen Science and iNaturalist
Rena Upitis, Wintergreen Studios
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89417895020?pwd=b1hGVE9XSjd5WVJzdXJrRGs1cXZXUT09
• PASSCODE: 313096
• WEBINAR ID: 869 5164 8624
Learn how every one of us — young or old — can become a citizen scientist and collect data for research projects. Taking part in a citizen science project will help you gain a better understanding of the world and your place in it. And it’s fun! The presentation will highlight citizen science projects in Canada and around the world. Learn about the iNaturalist app so you can contribute to Wintergreen’s own citizen science project — the Land Art BioBlitz!
11:00 AM EST Conserve the Buzz
Sarah MacKell, Wildlife Preservation Canada
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87879602682?pwd=ZWJzQnJBREVRNENPVGZBWlhiSVp3Zz09
• PASSCODE: 646041
• WEBINAR ID: 878 7960 2682
Learn about Wildlife Preservation Canada (WPC) and our Native Pollinator Initiatives with a focus on the bumble bee recovery program. Learn bumble bee basics and about pollinator research across North America. Learn how you can get involved and support bumble bee conservation!
1:00 PM EST Wild About Pollinators!
Alexandra Pedersen, Limestone Beekeepers' Guild
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85430718580?pwd=alZoZ3hJRFdlTFlrWjk1MmNkTmN6dz09
• PASSCODE: 725616
• WEBINAR ID: 854 3071 8580
Pollinators are a pretty big deal. Not only are they key in the balance of ecosystems but they are also essential in food production — bees are known to provide close to 70% of the world’s nutrition. Join Alexandra Pedersen, as she takes us into the world of pollinators and explores their wonders.
2:00 PM EST Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre Tour
Leah Birmingham, Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88981923621?pwd=ZkZvN21rVVc3b1VXNlpoMFk5QmpxQT09
• PASSCODE: 604085
• WEBINAR ID: 889 8192 3621
Join us on a live virtual tour of Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre and meet the wildlife patients currently in care. This is a unique opportunity to go behind-the-scenes and experience the busiest season of the year at our hospital. A live Q&A with our medical staff will follow the tour.
3:00 PM EST Confessions of a Nature Photographer Part II
Bryan Scholes
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85931617722?pwd=anNjRXpkS05IUGRxaGx2UkZUZm50UT09
• PASSCODE: 120356
• WEBINAR ID: 859 3161 7722
Following on from last year’s presentation about taking photographs of local birds, Bryan Scholes will continue with examples of mammals found in this area. Using his photographs and videos, Bryan will talk about photographic gear, things to think about when photographing mammals and a few stories behind the shots, with time for a few questions. This presentation will be of interest to people thinking about taking up wildlife photography as a hobby, those who have started but looking to improve, or people who just enjoy looking at wildlife photographs.
Curated Classrooms: Curriculum Activities for Virtual and In-Person Learning
Click on the images below for a set of activities ready for you to use in your classrooms and schoolyards.
Land Art & Outdoor Activities: Get Creative and Explore the Outdoors
Click on the images below to see all sorts of activities that will inspire you to go outside and get creative. We’d love to see what you make and where you explore! Post your work on Instagram and tag @wintergreenstudios #landart. The activities relating to bees are courtesy of Bee City Canada.
Species Observations: Identification Using iNaturalist
We use iNaturalist to catalogue all of the species that are identified in the area. Join the Wintergreen Studios BioBlitz 2021 project to contribute your observations!
To open a free account and join the growing community of backyard biologists, visit iNaturalist.ca.
To learn how to make an observation with your mobile device, join Rena at 10:00 AM EST for a live walkthrough or watch the video tutorial created by the Canadian Wildlife Federation.
All participants who come to Wintergreen will be asked to complete a COVID self-assessment to take part, which will be sent to participants just prior to the event.
Alex Pedersen, Limestone Beekeepers’ Guild
Bryan Scholes, Wildlife Photographer
Dominika Dembinski, Queen’s University
Hema Hemraj, Queen’s University
Jenna Hamelinck, Queen’s University
Kenny Ruelland, Reptile & Amphibian Advocacy
Kierden Martin, Queen’s University
Leah Birmingham, Sandy Pines Wildlife Centre
Rena Upitis, Professor of Education and Sustainability Studies and Chair of the Wintergreen Board of Directors
Stana Luxford Oddie, Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority
Sarah MacKell, Wildlife Preservation Canada
Walt Sepic, Firefly Adventures
Testimonials from pre-COVID events
This event wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of a number of amazing organizations. Below is a list of Land Art BioBlitz 2016-2021 supporters and partners. Please show them some love!