“Burning Souls is an ambitious book about passionate people giving everything — and I do mean everything — to make a positive difference for society and the future of our ecosystems in the face of fierce opposition.”
11:00 Welcome
11:15 Introduction to Burning Souls and reading
12:00 Entrées
12:30 Discussion
What does it mean and feel like to be a “burning soul” when climate and ecological breakdown are happening despite our best efforts?
How and in what way do we keep living in ecological integrity in a world of polarized politics, fabricated facts, and Facebook algorithms?
Are we making any difference? Can we? How?
1:15 Dessert and signing
1:30 Next Steps and wrap up
About the author
DAVID CHERNUSHENKO is a writer, educator, speaker, film producer, and explorer of “living lightly” in our personal and professional lives. He was twice elected to Ottawa City Council (2010-2018), where he chaired the Environment and Climate Protection Committee and played a major role in promoting a renewable energy transition, active transportation, complete streets, public health, and supportive housing. He served as a member of Canada’s National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy, the International Olympic Committee’s Sport and Environment Commission, and as deputy leader of the Green Party of Canada. He has written three books on sustainable management practices and has produced three films: Be the change; Powerful: Energy for Everyone; and Bike City, Great City.